2 + 2 = 5?

Good day.
Oh, here I am, back to my old ways in Missoula, Montana. The plane ride from Wanaka to Missoula was long and arduous and my armpits were a little too moist for comfort. I was too tired to read and I wasn't comfortable enough to sleep, so I spent much of my time on the planes curled up in an uncomfortable position pretending to myself that I was going to drift off to La-La land any second. I got home and I felt like a wreck, but my parents soon revived my spirits and poured out a nice tall glass of wine to relax to. Ahhhhhhh, it is nice to be home.
My schedule for the last couple days has been; coffee, computer, coffee, run, coffee, computer again, read, tea, music, sleep. Not a bad schedule to readjust to life here in Montana, but unfortunately it will not last long, for tomorrow I start work at the Bakery, the same one I was at when I left this town 'round 7 months ago. It'll be quite a switch to go straight into a job which entails massive amounts of customer contact, I hope I can still formulate sentences with my mouth.
It has been great to hang out with my dogs for the last couple days. They are pretty weird, indeed. This morning they awoke me at 530am and demanded that I get out of bed in order to feed them. My dog, Mazie, goes absolutely bonkers in the morning when she knows she is about to get some food. She was spinning circles in a quick-dizzying fashion, while at the same time jumping and clawing my legs, while I stumbled around attempting to get the sleep out of my eyes. It may have been a bit too much excitement straight out of bed so early in the morn, but that is the way it works with the piglets.
The weather here has been totally out of sight. My body was gearing up for winter while I was in NZ, but now I have been thrust directly back to spring, and it looks like it is going to be a bloody gorgeous one.
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